What is React?
Posted By: Rimjhim Jain Published: 14, Jan 2024

React is a JavaScript library created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook. It is used for creating user interfaces for Web Development. The first protype of react was known as ‘FaxJS’ and it was first time used on news feed of Facebook (in 2011) and was very successful in its task, from then onwards it became very popular.
Example of react :
ReactDom.render( <h1>HELLO EVERYONE</h1> Document.getElementById(“root”))
It will output the heading saying “HELLO EVERYONE” on the page.
Component Based Example:
function MyExample(props) {
return {props.name}
const element = < MyExample name="Figmanet" />;
Here the name = “Figmanet” will give value into {props.name} from function MyExample(props) and returning a component that has given value by name= “Figmanet” After that React will render the element into html.
Advantages of using React:
- The main advantage of React library is that the UI component it creates are reusable which reduces the task of writing same piece of code again and again.
- React is SEO(Search Engine Optimization) friendly, as earlier it was very difficult for developer to load heavy JavaScript applications on server but by using React.js there problem is solved as it can easily run heavily javascripted applications on server.
- We can render react using node js.
- We can use it on both client side and server side with the help of other frameworks.
- We can develop both mobile and web application using this library.
- It uses virtual DOM(Document Object Model) rather then using real DOM which makes the process more fast.